Helping Flare HR track their SEO efforts

Flare HR provides HR management software that helps small to medium-sized businesses onboard new employees and manage pay & benefits.

Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, they have over 100 employees and thousands of customers around the country.


No way to track their SEO efforts

As part of their product, Flare HR had a number of HR document templates that their customers could customize and use as part of the employee onboarding process (E.g. Employment contract templates, internal policy templates, etc).

In an attempt to generate more traffic and leads from SEO, Flare decided to make these document templates publicly available on their marketing website.

They created landing pages for each document they had and within a few months these pages were getting thousands of visits from search engines each month.

The problem was that they had no idea whether these visitors were actually becoming leads and customers, or whether they were just taking the template and leaving.

And without knowing whether this initiative was actually generating customers & revenue, they were at odds as to whether to invest in it more.

They needed a way to track whether the people who found Flare HR through these templates actually went on to become leads & customers.

Tracking SEO efforts in Salesforce

The Flare team turned to Attributer to help them track the success of their SEO efforts.

When a person arrives on the site, Attributer stores the Channel they arrived from (I.e. Organic Search) as well as the visitors landing page (I.e. and the landing page group (I.e. /templates).

Then when that visitor completes the demo request form on the website (powered by Gravity Forms), the data is written into hidden fields and sent to Salesforce.

Flare HR SEO tracking Salesforce

With the data in Salesforce, Flare HR uses Salesforce’s built-in reporting tools to run reports that show them things like:

  • Number of leads generated from the templates
  • Number of opportunities generated from the templates
  • Number of customers won through the templates
  • Amount of revenue generated through the templates

A 4x increase in leads

By using Attributer, Flare was able to see that their template-based SEO initiative had led to a 2.4x increase in leads since launch.

And although these leads didn’t convert to Opportunities and Customers as well as leads that come through other initiatives, the fact they were coming in at high volumes and at virtually $0 cost-per-lead meant that it was worth continuing to invest in.

So Flare doubled down on the initiative. They doubled the number of templates they had, optimized the pages to rank better in search engines, and kicked off an ongoing link-building campaign to build links and authority.

All in all, this initiative has led to a 4x increase in the number of leads generated each month and has added tens of thousands in revenue.

“Attributer showed us that our SEO efforts were in fact generating customers & revenue and gave us the confidence to double down. We’ve seen a 4x increase in leads as a result”

James Windon Flare HR

James Windon - Co-Founder, Flare HR

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